The Fit 9-5 Flexible Dieting Ebook


The Fit 9-5 Ebook is a digital flexible fitness lifestyle guide for those who are what I (the author) would deem as uninformed on how the body reacts to its calorie and nutrient intake.

The goal of this e-book was to create a basics guide to how the body reacts to food, how to incorporate a flexible approach to help you reach your fitness goals with a no BS 3-6 meals a day typical "bodybuilders" diet.

In SIMPLE terms, and if it helps you understand a little more of why it was created, I was attending business school and very busy and that is how the idea behind the creation of this guide came to be.

Eating multiple times a day was never something that felt realistic for the individuals who have A LOT going on outside of their health and wellness goals..

This is why it is called "The Fit 9-5".

Now that you know why it was made, here are some pointers on what it is focused on.

For those that have never tracked calories, never recieved or created their own macronutrient ratios for their overall health goals, it has a few pages that cover the FACTS about calories.

The three main macronutrients (there are actually four if you include fiber but the common rule of thumb is 10-15g per 1,000 KCALS consumed for pretty much everyone).

The MACROS (macronutrients for short), are PROTEIN, FATS, and CARBS; this e-book covers the biological facts for any fitness goal that is working towards a fat loss goal, or a lean weight gain goal.

The first couple pages will cover how to calculate your TDEE or TOTAL DAILY ENERGY EXPENDITURE, which signifies the amount of energy or CALORIES you are burning from your bodys metabolism at BOTH rest (if you sat in bed all day this would be how many calories you are burning),

AND; the metabolisms resting calories that are burned by your body, and all activity that is done during the day (workouts, steps, ANYTHING ACTIVE). TDEE means every last calorie that is burned by the body, and its activity level.

Next the guide will cover your Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR.

BMR is title used for that amount of calories we just mentioned that your body would burn if you sat in bed literally all day. (your body ⚡ burning rate).

The names for energy expenditure are important to understand because the The Fit 9-5 will be learned faster if you know these total numbers because it will help teach you what nutritional goals need to be hit for you to get the body you want.

Those names might be confusing at first but I promise you they won't stay that way.

The beginning part of the e-book will explain the calories, aswell as how fats contain 9 calories per gram, protein and carbs have 4 calories per gram.

All of that information just mentioned is what is needed to know to calculate either your calorie deficit, or your calorie surplus if your goal is weight loss or weight gain.

If you're someone who struggles to eat enough and needs to put on weight, don't neglect fiber, it will help you eat more and keep the metabolism moving but realistically everyone should pay attention to it, but again, this e-book wasn't directed for body building.

The rest of the guide will include what was called the "bro grocery list", yes its cheesy, but you can ignore it if you really don't see yourself following a MOSTLY whole foods based diet (which would mean you're eating more like a BB'er).

The e-book also covers:

Intermittent Fasting (that is why Greg O'Gallagher is given credits to this e-book as he is probably the most known in the industry for this specific subject). IF means time restricted eating, or only consuming food during a specific time window of the day to make fat-loss a smoother process.

An explanation on reverse dieting, some brief information on a maintenance calories phase, which means the weight of the body would stay the same during this period of time due to eating enough calories to not burn off weight, or gain weight.

The reverse dieting mini guide informs the reader about how and when would be a good time to slowly start increasing calories again after a fat-loss goal is reached (the reader will know when it is time for this when the body struggles to drop weight because of its metabolism slowing down.)

The e-book also includes a beginners guide to myfitnesspal (the most known calorie tracking app for smartphones), AND a list of top five foods from fast food businesses for those that have to eat out a lot of they simply can't get around to meal prepping or being home to cook for their goals.

Again, this is a e-book created for the everyday busy normal lifestyle individual who is NOT looking to make fitness their life if we are talking nutrition.

This introduction to the book lists the MAJOR learning curves in its contents and I hope that if you purchase this book it helps you out forever!

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The Fit 9-5 Ebook is a digital flexible fitness lifestyle guide for those who are what I (the author) would deem as uninformed on how the body reacts to its calorie and nutrient intake.

The goal of this e-book was to create a basics guide to how the body reacts to food, how to incorporate a flexible approach to help you reach your fitness goals with a no BS 3-6 meals a day typical "bodybuilders" diet.

In SIMPLE terms, and if it helps you understand a little more of why it was created, I was attending business school and very busy and that is how the idea behind the creation of this guide came to be.

Eating multiple times a day was never something that felt realistic for the individuals who have A LOT going on outside of their health and wellness goals..

This is why it is called "The Fit 9-5".

Now that you know why it was made, here are some pointers on what it is focused on.

For those that have never tracked calories, never recieved or created their own macronutrient ratios for their overall health goals, it has a few pages that cover the FACTS about calories.

The three main macronutrients (there are actually four if you include fiber but the common rule of thumb is 10-15g per 1,000 KCALS consumed for pretty much everyone).

The MACROS (macronutrients for short), are PROTEIN, FATS, and CARBS; this e-book covers the biological facts for any fitness goal that is working towards a fat loss goal, or a lean weight gain goal.

The first couple pages will cover how to calculate your TDEE or TOTAL DAILY ENERGY EXPENDITURE, which signifies the amount of energy or CALORIES you are burning from your bodys metabolism at BOTH rest (if you sat in bed all day this would be how many calories you are burning),

AND; the metabolisms resting calories that are burned by your body, and all activity that is done during the day (workouts, steps, ANYTHING ACTIVE). TDEE means every last calorie that is burned by the body, and its activity level.

Next the guide will cover your Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR.

BMR is title used for that amount of calories we just mentioned that your body would burn if you sat in bed literally all day. (your body ⚡ burning rate).

The names for energy expenditure are important to understand because the The Fit 9-5 will be learned faster if you know these total numbers because it will help teach you what nutritional goals need to be hit for you to get the body you want.

Those names might be confusing at first but I promise you they won't stay that way.

The beginning part of the e-book will explain the calories, aswell as how fats contain 9 calories per gram, protein and carbs have 4 calories per gram.

All of that information just mentioned is what is needed to know to calculate either your calorie deficit, or your calorie surplus if your goal is weight loss or weight gain.

If you're someone who struggles to eat enough and needs to put on weight, don't neglect fiber, it will help you eat more and keep the metabolism moving but realistically everyone should pay attention to it, but again, this e-book wasn't directed for body building.

The rest of the guide will include what was called the "bro grocery list", yes its cheesy, but you can ignore it if you really don't see yourself following a MOSTLY whole foods based diet (which would mean you're eating more like a BB'er).

The e-book also covers:

Intermittent Fasting (that is why Greg O'Gallagher is given credits to this e-book as he is probably the most known in the industry for this specific subject). IF means time restricted eating, or only consuming food during a specific time window of the day to make fat-loss a smoother process.

An explanation on reverse dieting, some brief information on a maintenance calories phase, which means the weight of the body would stay the same during this period of time due to eating enough calories to not burn off weight, or gain weight.

The reverse dieting mini guide informs the reader about how and when would be a good time to slowly start increasing calories again after a fat-loss goal is reached (the reader will know when it is time for this when the body struggles to drop weight because of its metabolism slowing down.)

The e-book also includes a beginners guide to myfitnesspal (the most known calorie tracking app for smartphones), AND a list of top five foods from fast food businesses for those that have to eat out a lot of they simply can't get around to meal prepping or being home to cook for their goals.

Again, this is a e-book created for the everyday busy normal lifestyle individual who is NOT looking to make fitness their life if we are talking nutrition.

This introduction to the book lists the MAJOR learning curves in its contents and I hope that if you purchase this book it helps you out forever!

The Fit 9-5 Ebook is a digital flexible fitness lifestyle guide for those who are what I (the author) would deem as uninformed on how the body reacts to its calorie and nutrient intake.

The goal of this e-book was to create a basics guide to how the body reacts to food, how to incorporate a flexible approach to help you reach your fitness goals with a no BS 3-6 meals a day typical "bodybuilders" diet.

In SIMPLE terms, and if it helps you understand a little more of why it was created, I was attending business school and very busy and that is how the idea behind the creation of this guide came to be.

Eating multiple times a day was never something that felt realistic for the individuals who have A LOT going on outside of their health and wellness goals..

This is why it is called "The Fit 9-5".

Now that you know why it was made, here are some pointers on what it is focused on.

For those that have never tracked calories, never recieved or created their own macronutrient ratios for their overall health goals, it has a few pages that cover the FACTS about calories.

The three main macronutrients (there are actually four if you include fiber but the common rule of thumb is 10-15g per 1,000 KCALS consumed for pretty much everyone).

The MACROS (macronutrients for short), are PROTEIN, FATS, and CARBS; this e-book covers the biological facts for any fitness goal that is working towards a fat loss goal, or a lean weight gain goal.

The first couple pages will cover how to calculate your TDEE or TOTAL DAILY ENERGY EXPENDITURE, which signifies the amount of energy or CALORIES you are burning from your bodys metabolism at BOTH rest (if you sat in bed all day this would be how many calories you are burning),

AND; the metabolisms resting calories that are burned by your body, and all activity that is done during the day (workouts, steps, ANYTHING ACTIVE). TDEE means every last calorie that is burned by the body, and its activity level.

Next the guide will cover your Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR.

BMR is title used for that amount of calories we just mentioned that your body would burn if you sat in bed literally all day. (your body ⚡ burning rate).

The names for energy expenditure are important to understand because the The Fit 9-5 will be learned faster if you know these total numbers because it will help teach you what nutritional goals need to be hit for you to get the body you want.

Those names might be confusing at first but I promise you they won't stay that way.

The beginning part of the e-book will explain the calories, aswell as how fats contain 9 calories per gram, protein and carbs have 4 calories per gram.

All of that information just mentioned is what is needed to know to calculate either your calorie deficit, or your calorie surplus if your goal is weight loss or weight gain.

If you're someone who struggles to eat enough and needs to put on weight, don't neglect fiber, it will help you eat more and keep the metabolism moving but realistically everyone should pay attention to it, but again, this e-book wasn't directed for body building.

The rest of the guide will include what was called the "bro grocery list", yes its cheesy, but you can ignore it if you really don't see yourself following a MOSTLY whole foods based diet (which would mean you're eating more like a BB'er).

The e-book also covers:

Intermittent Fasting (that is why Greg O'Gallagher is given credits to this e-book as he is probably the most known in the industry for this specific subject). IF means time restricted eating, or only consuming food during a specific time window of the day to make fat-loss a smoother process.

An explanation on reverse dieting, some brief information on a maintenance calories phase, which means the weight of the body would stay the same during this period of time due to eating enough calories to not burn off weight, or gain weight.

The reverse dieting mini guide informs the reader about how and when would be a good time to slowly start increasing calories again after a fat-loss goal is reached (the reader will know when it is time for this when the body struggles to drop weight because of its metabolism slowing down.)

The e-book also includes a beginners guide to myfitnesspal (the most known calorie tracking app for smartphones), AND a list of top five foods from fast food businesses for those that have to eat out a lot of they simply can't get around to meal prepping or being home to cook for their goals.

Again, this is a e-book created for the everyday busy normal lifestyle individual who is NOT looking to make fitness their life if we are talking nutrition.

This introduction to the book lists the MAJOR learning curves in its contents and I hope that if you purchase this book it helps you out forever!