My name is Joe Humphreys and I purchased Tony Mitidieri’s service on Marketing. This really helped me with pursuing my career starting out as a personal trainer. Tony was very helpful, has the passion and expertise to help others with their journey. Gave me great recommendations on what equipment works best for each client such as a (weight belt), which can help certain clients with stabilization in their back if they have an over active muscle in the lumbar.
       You will learn how to properly create and organize Instagram Hashtag Lists and Instagram Captions, because it is a complete no-cost marketing system, applicable to essentially every field.
       Since I am a trainer and not a certified nutritionist, I was appreciative to receive information on what foods work best when trying to get in shape and what supplements could aid in your progress. Such examples are (protein powder), that help with making sure you’re getting your recommended grams of protein in your day, another is (creatine) which helps with muscle recovery and positive brain activity. I would recommend anyone to get into contact with Tony!

  • Joe Humphreys , NASM Certified Personal Trainer