
My name is Tony Mitidieri and I was born and raised in Grand Rapids, MI. My digital life started with my love for freestyle dancing and video games. Now I’m a fitness lifestyle coach, entrepreneur, video creator, entertainer, and gamer with plans of growing my personal brand while streaming for a living!

How can I help you you may be wondering?

During the time that I was a business student at Western Michigan University, I was also very dedicated to my health and wellness lifestyle, which included making a few different digital fitness plans that included a published E-Book Flexible Dieting Lifestyle adherence guide, which I dubbed

“The Fit 9-5.” Designed for the busy man or woman who has dedicated career or job responsibilities but wants to adopt the habits and make not just a mental and physical transformation, but a total lifestyle change!
This lifestyle E-Book I created was published on amazon back in 2018, and one of the many guides outside of the actual hypertrophy Workout Regiments I personally created to help clients and friends through their own transformations.

This Fit 9-5 Ebook is perfect for the individual who has no experience with dieting, nutrition, macronutrient ratios, calories in calories out, or anything related but does not want to spend the money on either a nutritionist or a personal trainer!

My digital guides include this Fit 9-5 Ebook,
12-16 Week Lean Mass Gaining Training Guides and 12-16 Week Fat Loss Shredding Training Guides. All of which cover specifics such as volume of exercises, workouts, form, the three kinds of muscle tissue holds (tempo) for maximum lean mass tissue breakdown, rest periods, and specific exercise recommendations.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read about my business and passion and what I may have to offer you to help you through your health and wellness journey!

Make sure to check out my social media if you haven’t already to stay up to date with everything related as well as my bother business ventures!